Jati's Wager

Praise for JATI'S WAGER
- Peter Hartog, author of BLOODLINES, Empire City series
Philosophical, poetic, powerful. A worthy second stanza in the Wind Tide series.

Highly recommended, both for lovers of space opera, and readers that like books that make them think.
- Marian L. Thorpe, author of
Finalist - 2022 Indie Ink Awards (Writing the Future We Need)
Nominee - 2022 Indie Ink Awards (Best Morally Gray Character)
Book #2 WIND TIDE series
A space opera inspired by the myths of the Trojan War.
Finalist - 2022 Indie Ink Awards (Writing the Future We Need)
Nominee - 2022 Indie Ink Awards (Best Morally Gray Character)
A space opera heist that can be read as a stand-alone or as Book 2 in the WIND TIDE trilogy.
Ailo is a streetwise teen surviving alone on the remote moonbase, Tarkassi 9. She wants nothing more than to flee into the wider world of the Sagittarius Arm.
That's where Jati, the Patent War veteran and general fighting the Monopolies gives her a second chance. Ailo's rogue status is just what Jati's People's Army needs to drive the final spike of victory into a weakening Garissian Council.
A team of experts assembles. Hope rests on Ailo's skill, stealth, and tenacity to pull off the impossible. But when an internal shadow rises, Ailo and Jati are forced to weigh the cost of revenge against honor and justice.